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Mardin Chambers and Commodity Exchanges continue their activities for regional development. In this context, Mardin Governorship was visited.

The participants of the visit to Mardin Governor Mahmut Demirtaş on 12 July 2021 were as follows: Kızıltepe Commodity Exchange (KTB) Assembly President Nezir Yıldız, Deputy Secretary General Metin Sert; Kızıltepe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KTSO) Chairman of the Board Mahmut Dündar, Secretary General Ahmet Aslan; Mardin Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MTSO) Chairman of the Board Mehmet Ali Tutaşı, Secretary General Çetin Sasa; Nusaybin Commodity Exchange (NTB) Chairman of the Board Necdet Aktaş, Secretary General Abdullah Dal, Accreditation Officer Ercan Çelik; Abdulkadir Güneş, Secretary General of Nusaybin Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NTSO); TOBB/TEPAV, Mardin Province/Districts Chamber/Exchange Academic Advisor and Mardin Artuklu University (MAÜ) FEAS Department of Economics Lecturer Assoc. Dr. Mehmet Behzat Ekinci.

During the visit, various problems related to the development of the city and the region were discussed. In this context, the agenda items were as follows: Siirt pistachio planting activities, Peanut planting activities, Integration of the business world into the e-commerce system, Initiative for the promotion of local products, Prevention of stubble burning, Cooperation with Mardin Artuklu University, Choice of local products in projects for regional development, Chambers/ Increasing the stakeholder relationship level of exchanges with relevant institutions.

At the meeting, Siirt Pistachio and Peanut were discussed with special attention within the scope of agricultural product diversity. Since the Mardin Governorship also showed a very positive approach to this issue, a goodwill statement was made regarding joint studies. In addition, it is aimed to spread almond and olive plants with similar high added value in and around Mardin.

Chambers/Commodity Exchanges expressed their readiness to cooperate with relevant institutions in reducing the periodic stubble burning process in and around Mardin due to the local and global problems it causes.

The support of the Governorship was requested within the scope of the “Initiative on the Promotion of Local Products”, which is thought to be carried out under the leadership of the Chambers/Exchanges. In principle, a positive approach was displayed for the activities to be carried out in this regard.

In the projects prepared and carried out regarding Mardin, negotiations were held regarding the preference of the goods/services produced in and around Mardin, within the possibilities. Thus, it will be possible to act more appropriately for the purpose of regional development.

Negotiations were held to increase the level of cooperation of Mardin Chambers/Exchanges with relevant Public, Private and Mixed institutions/organizations. The positive intention in this regard was reiterated and the Chambers/Exchanges reiterated their readiness to cooperate and contribute in any way as a stakeholder/partner if invited.

It was decided to continue such meetings, which were held in a pleasant environment and yielded fruitful results, and to continue the cooperation increasingly.


Date : 12.07.2021 / Location : MARDİN VALİLİĞİ
Hit : 1574