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Mardin Province/Districts Chambers/Exchanges held their 18th joint meeting within the scope of activities focused on regional development. The meeting was hosted by Kızıltepe Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The participants of the meeting held on 28 June 2021 were as follows: Kızıltepe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KTSO) President Mahmut Dündar, Secretary General Ahmet Aslan, Accreditation Officer Ferhat Dündar; Kızıltepe Commodity Exchange President Mehmet Şahin, Deputy Secretary General Metin Sert; Mardin Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MTSO) Deputy Trade Registry Manager Mehmet Emin Duyan, Accreditation Officer Elif İlhan; Nusaybin Commodity Exchange (NTB) President of the Board Necdet Aktaş, Secretary General Abdullah Dal; Abdulkadir Güneş, Secretary General of Nusaybin Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NTSO); İlhan Özmen, Accreditation Officer; TOBB/TEPAV, Mardin Province/Districts Chamber/Exchange Academic Advisor and Mardin Artuklu University (MAÜ) FEAS Department of Economics Lecturer Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Behzat Ekinci.

The agenda items of the meeting were as follows: Good Practices of Chambers/Exchanges, Media Visibility Activities of Chambers/Exchanges, Cooperation with Mardin Artuklu University Public Private and Mixed Sector Cooperation Coordinatorship (MAÜKÖK), Joint Project Team, e-Commerce Integration Studies, Cooperation with Young and Women Entrepreneur Boards , Activities for Regional Development: Local Industrial Product Promotion Studies, Academic Consultancy Term Activity Schedule

Mardin Chambers/Exchanges gave information about the following examples of good practices they carried out during the period:

KTB: EU project on the implementation of the fertigation system on large plots

KTSO: Siirt Pistachio planting

MTSO: Establishment of Midyat Organized Industrial Region

NTB: Peanut cultivation as a second crop.

NTSO: Activities related to the establishment of Tekstilkent.

The decisions taken at the meeting are as follows:

1. Within the scope of cooperation with Mardin Artuklu University (MAÜ) Public Private and Mixed Sector Cooperation Coordinatorship (MAÜKÖK), it was decided to carry out studies on a platform called “e-Academy”. In this context, it is aimed to create a platform for organizing training programs with MAU academics according to their interest and expertise.

2. It was decided to carry out new activities within the scope of the studies related to the "Integration of Members into the e-Commerce System", which was determined as the thematic target of Mardin Chambers/Exchanges for 2021. For this purpose, it is planned to receive technical support from the relevant website service providers.

3. It was decided to increase cooperation opportunities with the Development Agency. In this context, the issue of preparing a project with the Tigris Development Agency (DIKA) on "Integration of Members into the e-Commerce System" or obtaining direct technical support from the institution will be discussed.

4. Potential cooperation opportunities were discussed with the Young and Women Entrepreneur Boards. It was agreed that each Chamber/Commodity Exchange should personally and/or jointly prepare projects in cooperation with the Young and Women Entrepreneur Boards.

5. Mardin Chambers/Exchanges are heading towards “Promotion of Local Industrial Products” within the scope of regional development activities. In this context, it was decided to create an initiative with the support of the relevant public, private and mixed organizations and to carry out activities so that the products produced in Mardin are more intensely on the consumers' agenda.

It was decided to hold the 19th Joint Meeting in September 2021, hosted by the Nusaybin Chamber of Commerce and Industry.


Date : 28.06.2021 / Location : KIZILTEPE TSO
Hit : 1755