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Yapı Kredi Bank Branch Manager Murat Bulut visited our President Mehmet Şahin in his office to discuss the TOBB Breathe Loan

Mehmet Şahin, Chairman of Kızıltepe Commodity Exchange; A "TOBB Breath Loan" protocol was signed between TOBB and the Credit Guarantee Fund for SMEs to contribute to the elimination of the financing problems of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, which have an important place in the country's economy. One of the biggest problems of SMEs, which are our members in the Corona Virus economic process we are in, is the difficulties in accessing finance and the loan interest rates far above inflation. I hope that it will contribute greatly to our members and will give SMEs a sigh of relief. According to today's conditions, a very good interest rate opportunity is provided. Our Exchange Chairman Mehmet Şahin wished that the TOBB SME Support Loan would be beneficial for our country, our province and our members.

Yapı Kredi Bank Branch Manager Murat Bulut stated that “As Yapı Kredi Bank, they will provide all kinds of convenience to the members of Kızıltepe Commodity Exchange regarding TOBB Nefes Loan and other financial needs” Our President Mehmet Şahin expressed his satisfaction with the visit and thanked them.


“Branding of Mardin Bulgur Working Group Meeting” organized by Dicle Development Agency was held online. Relevant stakeholders operating in Mardin came together and discussed the Branding of Mardin Bulgur.

As the host of the meeting, General Secretary of Tigris Development Agency Dr. Ahmet Alanlı and Tigris Development Agency Planning Specialist Fatih Akgül, as well as Mardin Artuklu University Lecturer Dr. Ahmet Kayaoğlu, Kiziltepe Grains Trade Center President Mehmet Serif Oter, Turkish Exporters' Association Mardin President Mustafa Karasu, Mardin Bulgur Industrialists' Association President Faysal Sun Kiziltepe Commodity Exchange Deputy Secretary General Metin Sert and many other stakeholders attended.

The aim of the working group meeting is to commercialize Mardin Bulgur by increasing its production and yield in order to evaluate the agricultural local product potential in our region correctly. Within the scope of the Tigris Development Agency's medium-term "Ensuring Value Added Increase in Agricultural Local Products" Result-Oriented Program (SOP), the "Mardin Bulgur Working Group" was established in order to ensure coordination with cooperation and to plan and carry out joint activities together. Achieving the targeted results of the program will only be possible if the relevant stakeholders operating in our region are involved in the process and carry out their activities in cooperation, in addition to the Agency's work.

Turkey is the world's largest producer and exporter of bulgur and 80 percent of the production is made in the provinces of the Southeastern Anatolia Region. 15 of 98 bulgur production facilities in our country are located in Mardin. Produced from durum wheat grown in the fertile soils of Mardin plains in Upper Mesopotamia, bulgur is in the top rank in terms of quality and received geographical indication registration in 2019. An average of 1 million 250 thousand tons of bulgur is produced annually in Turkey. While 1 million tons of this production is consumed domestically, 250 thousand tons are exported. Mardin provides 25% of the domestic production and 35% of the export of 250 thousand tons.

Bulgur is a national product for our country, which is the largest market in world production and consumption. Mardin Bulgur is one of the most important strategic agricultural products of the Region. By gaining the brand value of bulgur and increasing its export, it will contribute to the development of the region both economically and socially.

The demand for the product, which is becoming more widespread day by day thanks to its high nutritional value and long shelf life, and whose quality is increasing thanks to new production techniques, is increasing day by day. In addition, the brand value of Mardin Bulgur with geographical indication, especially its promotion in the foreign market, will both increase the market share of the product and give the product a reputation.

At the meeting held over the Internet via the Zoom application, the current situation, priorities, problems and solution suggestions were discussed by the participants, and cooperation and experience were shared.


Date : 29.06.2021 / Location : KIZILTEPE TB
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