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Turkey Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges (TOBB) 75th General Assembly, with the participation of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, was held at the TOBB Economics and Technology University (ETU) Hall.

Kızıltepe Commodity Exchange Spokesman Nezir Yıldız, Chairman Mehmet Şahin, TOBB Delegates and Secretary General Abdulkadir Şahin attended TOBB 75th General Assembly.

In his speech at TOBB 75th General Assembly, TOBB President Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu emphasized the theme of ‘our union is eternal, our agenda is economy’ and said that the business world wants economy to be the agenda in the coming period. Hisarcıklıoğlu said “ We believe that the President and President of the Republic of Turkey will re-enter the economy with the executive and reformist way of doing business. No obstacle is so big that we can't overcome, no wall is so strong that we can't bring down. Day is the day of standing up and running together”.

Reminding that the election process which has been continuing with general and local elections for the last 1 year is behind, TOBB President said “We have an unelected period of four years ahead. We should take this opportunity into consideration and turn it into an uninterrupted period of action. Let the Stability prevail and Turkey grow with reforms.”

Good news from President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to farmers

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan gave the good news to the farmers in his speecj and  announced the purchase prices of grain. Erdogan said that the price of bread wheat taken from 50 thousand pounds per ton this year increased by 29 percent to 350 thousand pounds.

President Erdoğan stated that quality wheat will be purchased by over 1 thousand 400 lira per ton with a premium of 4 percent and said barley will be purchased from thousand 100 liras with an increase of 33 percent; 200 lira support for wheat agriculture will be paid as well.

Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who stated that he attaches special importance to consultation with our business world in all matters concerning the future of our country, added he gave special importance to all the decisions and common sense concerning the future of Turkey by consulting the business world and President Erdoğan noted that at every opportunity, he pays attention to attending general assemblies of business organizations, economic councils, award ceremonies and other events.

"Our 365 chambers and commodity exchanges operating in 81 cities of our country has performed the role of locomotive in wrapped to in the flesh of our great and powerful Turkey case," said the President, Erdogan said: "The Chambers and Commodity Exchanges keep to innovate their own age, accelerating the process of digitization, they improve the quality of services they provide, as well, both They were able to make more in-depth analyzes.”

"If the Turkish goods have now become a symbol of quality around the world, you all have the signature under this achievement," spoke President Erdogan and said Turkey's pride reaches an honor level in a rating Alperen spirit of entrepreneurs who leave the footstep on the world with great effort and contribution.

Following the speech, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu and the Chamber / Stock Exchange executives who were awarded the first prize in 8 categories were given their awards.

Date : 2.05.2019 / Location : TOBB
Hit : 2043