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Within the project “81 Academic Consultants in 81 Cities” run by TOBB/TEPAV, the 13th joint meeting was held with the collaboratiın of Nusaybin Chamber of Trade and Industry at Mardin Artuklu University FEAS with the participation of all Chambers and Commodity Exchanges in order to contribute to the local/national and international developmental practices.

Th efollowing names participated in the meeting held on November 15th: Nusaybin Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCTI) Chairman of Board of Directors Mahsum Özmen, Secretary General Abdulkadir Güneş, Quality and Accreditation Officer İlhan Özmen; The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kızıltepe Commodity Exchange (KCE) Mehmet Şahin, Secretary General Abdulkadir Şahin, Deputy Secretary General Metin Sert; Kızıltepe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCTI) Chairman Mahmut Dündar, Secretary General Ahmet Aslan, Quality and Accreditation Officer Velit Aydın; Mardin Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCTI) Vice Chairman Gümar Budak, Secretary General Çetin Sasa, Nusaybin Commodity Exchange (NTB) Chairman Necdet Aktaş, Secretary General Abdullah Dal, Quality and Accreditation Officer Ercan Çelik; TOBB / TEPAV, Mardin Province / District Chamber / Exchange Academic Advisor and MAU Faculty of Economics Department of Economics Department Assoc. Dr. Mehmet Behzat Ekinci.

The meeting minutes were as follows: The Good Practice Examples from the Chambers and Commodity Exchanges, Visibility in Media, A Technopark/Technocity Launch in Mardin, Project Manager Employment at Chambers and Commodity Exchanges, Academic Consultancy Term Practices and Action Plan.

The good practice examples from the Chambers and Commodity Exchanges were handled with special care. In this scope, each Chamber and Commodity Exchange shared information about their own projects and discussions were held. A partial list of Chambers/Commodity Exchange’s projects presented are as follows:

NCTI: Establishment of Nusaybin Textile City; Training programs for management, staff and members.

KCE: Mardin Food Analysis and Trade Capacity Guided Support Project; Capacity Building EU Project of Chamber of Commerce of Greece and Italy for Bulgur and Pasta Sector; Technical Assistance for Licensed Warehousing and Authorized Classification Training; Institutional Capacity Building Technical Support Project; Research and Inspection Program for MAU Economics Students; Training programs for management, staff and members; Derik Halhal Olive Oil Geographical Indication Project; Kızıltepe Red Lentils Geographical Sign Project.

KCTI: Purpose-Oriented, satisfaction surveys for members, training programs for management, staff and members.

MCTI: TOBB cooperation with Turkey within the scope of the Syrians Integration "Vocational Training Project".

NCE: Technical Assistance for Project Preparation from DIKA; Infrastructure works for the establishment of Grain Analysis Laboratory; Establishment of Member Promotion Center under the Strategic Plan; The realization of an Agricultural Workshop for the region in Nusaybin; Licensed Warehousing Project.

The establishment of Teknopark / Teknokent was another agenda item. In this context, a presentation was made about Teknokent, which was planned to be established in Mardin, in order to prepare an environment suitable for entrepreneurs, to be a bridge between university and industry and to increase their contribution to regional development. MAU Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty Member Ahmet Kayaoğlu, Instructor Dr. Oktay Ömer Doru, Research Assist. Mehmet Sadık Aydın, Res. Assist. İslam Altun and Res. Assist. Abdurrahman Ocakhanoğlu attended the meeting and shared the idea of ​​establishing Teknokent and investigated the support of the Chambers / Commodity Exchanges. All of the institutions expressed that they approached the idea positively and they would contribute to the possibilities.

Another issue discussed in the meeting was related to Mardin Chambers / Commodity Exchanges Exchange Joint Project Team. In this context, it was emphasized that the Chambers / Commodity Exchanges benefit from determining a specific Project Expert position to focus on projects. Chambers / Exchanges decided to take this issue into their agenda.

It was decided that the XIV Joint Meeting will be held in March 2019 by Kızıltepe Commodity Exchange.

Date : 15.11.2018 / Location : MARDİN ARTUKLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ
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