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Applied Entrepreneurship Training, which was held with the collaboration of Kiziltepe Commodity Exchange and SCE Service Center, was completed successfully.

KCE President of Board of Directors Mehmet Şahin said they were proud and happy that they had provided 25 entrepreneurs with Mardin economy and added “The Applied Entrepreneurship Training which was held between 20-21 and 27-28 October with 25 trainees at our Service Center was completed successfully. It has the fundamental element to support entrepreneurship to become a leading actor in the global world and in this manner, Kızıltepe Commodity Exchange pays a lot of attention to entrepreneurship both in Mardin and in our country. Our trainees who completed the course successfully wil benefit from SCE supports and I wish them the best and have the best wishes for our city and country.

After the training, the successful trainees can apply for grants with their enterprises to SCE and on the condition that they are found eligible by the SCE Grant Committee, they will be able to benefit from unconditional grants up to 50 thousand TL as well as 100 thousand lira interest-free loan support.

Date : 29.11.2018 / Location : KIZILTEPE TİCARET BORSASI
Hit : 1981