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Kızıltepe Commodity Exchange President of Board of Directors Mehmet Şahin said not only the government or solely private enterprises could struggle against the inflation, but every one of us had the responsibility and duty. President Mehmet Şahin came together with the board and council members at the Commodity Exchange’s Service Building and showed his support to the resistance with a press statement. He said they would support the Resistance against the Inflation and ran a campaign of 10% discount.

Şahin pointed out that since the rising inflation causes the fall of purchase power as well as the input costs and interest affected the firms negatively, they found the Struggle Against İnflation Program very important and supported them.  He said the struggle against inflation also meant a struggle against unemployment, high interest rates and rising input costs and added as follows:

“Price stability is one of the most leading indications that show the status of the macroeconomics. The fiscal and political stability after 2002 brought a stunning healing to monetary stability and enabled the fall of inflation to one-digit figures. The extraordinary fluctuation ib exchange rates recently has caused the inflation to rise to double-digit figures.  The rising inflation causes the fall of purchase power as well as the input costs and interest affected our firms negatively. In order to overcome all these issues, we found the Struggle Program against Inflation led by the Minister Berat Albayrak and launched by the Ministry of Treasury and Finance very important and we support it. Since the struggle cannot be ensued only by private or public enterprises, the responsibility and duty fall on all of us. The struggle against inflation also means a struggle against unemployment, high interest rates and rising input costs

In this manner, TOBB and Chambers and Commodity Exchanges are in common total solidarity as they are in all national matters. All Chambers and Commodity Exchanges in 81 cities and 160 districts have adopted the Struggle against Inflation and been running campaigns to spread it widely among our member firms. Here at this point we would like to emphasize that the greater the support from all levels of society, the greater its impact will be. From real sectors to finance, from institutions to individuals, we should come together for one cause. If we become one voice at one core, we are sure to receive results against the inflation. Our belief as a whole that our firms and our people will all join the struggle against the inflation. As for Kızıltepe Commodity Exchange, we ask all the members of our Chambers and Commodity Exchanges to join the strife and get the message though the valuable modes of media. I believe that we Kızıltepe people will show all the abnegation and be frontiers of the economic struggle initiated for our country and people. Through strong coordination between public and private enterprises, we will overcome this difficult period of hardships.”

Date : 18.10.2018 / Location : KIZILTEPE TİCARET BORSASI
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