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Having taken place at Artuklu University Conference Hall between 05-06 October 2018, Our President of Board of Directors Mehmet ŞAHİN, Secretary General Abdülkadir ŞAHİN and Vie Secretary General Metin SERT attended Innovative Progress Summit held by Innovative Progress Club of Artuklu University under the chairman of the Club’s Academic Consultant Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Behzat EKİNCİ.
For two days, the participants were given trainings and presentations on brand patent, industrial design, entrepreneurship, innovation, R&D, Techno Park, proactive thinking, conducting change, technological entrepreneurship, digital marketing and brand engineering, artificial intelligent, future and success stories. 
President ŞAHİN assessed the summit as “I believe that even one person is able to become an entrepreneur though all the trainings and seminars from professionals, this summit will reach its target. We would like to thank MAU FEAS Economics Student and IPC President of Board of Directors Duygu ÇAMURTAŞ and IPC Academic Consultant Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Behzat EKİNCİ for the organization.”  


Date : 8.10.2018 / Location : MARDİN ARTUKLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ
Hit : 2537