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A consultation meeting was held about A REGULATION OF THE CHANGE ON THE REGULATION ON EXPORT-BASED PRODUCTS (REGULATION NO: 2006/7) with the producers in flour business in Mardin at the Meeting Hall of the Organized Industrialized Region. Our President of Board of Directors Mehmet Şahin, AK PARTY City President Nihat ERİ, Tigris Flour Producers Association President Veysi DUYAN and other producers in flour industry. Mehmet ŞAHİN, who gave the opening speech, spoke as follows:

“Export is an inevitable element of the concept of Development as it has a key role in the concurrence of Sustainable Economic Growth. Besides contributing greatly to the countries’ economic growth and development, it protects the balance of foreıgn trade as well as flourishes economic practices and heals macroeconomic balance by increasing employment, production and profitability. On one hand, the level of success in the business of export rises with SMO’s business trips and fair visits abroad, it also helps the international cooperation  and enables our members to keep track of global sector updates.

For that purpose, the collaboration with KOSGEB for a new support model for our SMO’s in order to support and promote their business trades and bring these trades a new level of quality and increase their export capacity. While our industrialists pay great attention to the increase of export, limiting the export of flour-bulgur-pasta-lentils and corn and especially forbidding Flour Export which have vital importance for our city and district is an unacceptable regulation. That practice not only causes the penalization of our wheat producers, but also leads to the halt of production of our factories. According to the regulation (mentioned in the first paragraph), the issues and the expectations of the industrialists in flour business should be addressed and they should not be left alone.

The Tigris Flour Producers Association President Veysi DUYAN said, according to the mentioned regulation, the following points should be addressed:

  • As the prohibition affects the industrialists in flour production, the 80 yield practice (special condition) should be added to the minimum of 84 yield practice,
  • Within DIBB, bran export should be allowed on the condition that wheat export should take place after 28.08.2018,
  • With the documents of imports before 05.09.2018, due to the foreign sales connection which were executed within August, there were low-priced sales but imported through high prices. The rate of foreign currency use of the execution documents which are dated within that period should be raised to 120% temporarily.
  • In this difficult period, the heaviness of guarantee letter should be softened as the performance criteria could be lowered from 500000$ to 100000$ (an economic solution should be put forward as the prices of imported wheat is higher than the local),
  • An extension of six months should be granted to the inward procession authorization certificates dating before 17.08.2018 as the local wheat is purchased with high prices from the inner market and sold abroad with global prices and eventually exporters lose with the expectation of prospective import.

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