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Within the project entitled “81 Academic Consultants for 81 Cities” conducted by TOBB/TEPAV, the joint meetings coninue with the participation of all Chambers/Commodity Exchanges so as to contribute to the local/national/international development practices. Within this scope, the Chambers/Commodity Exchanges of Mardin and Districts held the 8th Joint Chamber/Commodity Exchange meeting hosted by Mardin Chamber of Trade and Industry.

The following names attended the meeting held on June 22nd from the Chambers and Commodity Exchanges: Mardin Chamber of Trade and Industry President of Board of Directors Mehmet Ali Tutaşı, Vice Presidents Gümar Budak and Kenan Özçelik, Secretary General Çetin Sasa, Quality and Accreditation Director Sibel Gültekin, Kızıltepe Chamber of Trade and Industry President of Board of Directors Mahmut Dündar, Secretary General Ahmet Aslan; Kızıltepe Commodity Exchange Vice Secretary General Metin Sert; Nusaybin Chamber of Trade and Industry President of Board of Directors Necdet Aktaş, Secretary General Abdullah Dal, Quality and Accreditation Director Ercan Çelik; Mardin City and Districts’ Chambers/Commodity Exchanges’ Academic Consultant Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Behzat Ekinci from Mardin Artuklu University FEAS Department of Economics.

The meeting minutes were as follows: the good practices of Mardin Chambers/Commodity Exchanges, MAU Chamber/Commodity Exchange Research Reports, The Facilities of Mardin Chambers/Commodity Exchanges Project Team, Member Satisfaction Research, New Practices and Initiatives for Chambers/Commodity Exchanges, Academic Consultancy Term Practices, and Academic Consultancy Term Action Plan

The good practices of Mardin Chambers/Commodity Exchanges were discussed at the meeting. In that frame, the precautious functions of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges (especially Nusaybin Commodity Exchange) concerning the awareness against the harms of stubble burning. It was decided to continue to conduct activities consistently.

Another minute of the agenda was the research reports prepared through the collaboration of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges with Mardin Artuklu University. As a result of the survey designed for the participating firms to the 5th International Mardin Agricultural Equipment, Food and Livestock Fair (MAGROTEX 2018) between April 19-22 with the support from MAU FEAS Economics Department students, the conclusive reports were addressed. It was decided to continue the visibility of the reports in terms of local and national media modes and share it with members primarily, as well as with related persons/institutions.

During the meeting Mardin Chambers/Commodity Exchanges Project Team was discussed in detail. The precautions to be taken in order to provide the members with more satisfaction were negotiated. Besides, it was decided to create more corporate indulgence with activities aimed directly towards the members.

The new term practices and initiatives for Chambers and Commodity Exchanges was another meeting minute which was discussed specifically during the meeting. Through that, it was decided to increase the amount of collaborations with public/private and mixed institutions as well as several disjunctive and/or common economic enterprising. In this frame, the discussions and decrees were made and taken on enhancing the functionality of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges and their contributions and influences as well as the level of relationship within their locations. This and related minutes were thought to be discussed in prospective meetings.

The meeting ended with the decision to hold the 8th Joint Meeting at Nusaybin Chamber of Trade and Industry in October 2018.

Date : 25.06.2018 / Location : MARDİN TİCARET VE SANAYİ ODASI
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