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Mardin Province/Districts Chambers/Exchanges are seeking cooperation with Dicle Development Agency (DIKA) for regional development. In this context, Chambers/Exchanges visited the Secretary General of the Dicle Development Agency.

On 12 July 2021, DIKA Secretary General Dr. The participants of the visit to Ahmet Alanlı were as follows: DİKA Mardin Investment Support Office Coordinator Sihat Ferat Toktaş, Expert Selim Duran; Kızıltepe Commodity Exchange (KTB) Speaker of the Assembly Nezir Yıldız, Deputy Secretary General Metin Sert; Kızıltepe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KTSO) Chairman of the Board Mahmut Dündar, Secretary General Ahmet Aslan, Accreditation Officer Ferhat Dündar; Mardin Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MTSO) Chairman of the Board Mehmet Ali Tutaşı, Secretary General Çetin Sasa; Nusaybin Commodity Exchange (NTB) Chairman of the Board Necdet Aktaş, Secretary General Abdullah Dal, Accreditation Officer Ercan Çelik; Abdulkadir Güneş, Secretary General of Nusaybin Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NTSO); TOBB/TEPAV, Mardin Province/Districts Chamber/Exchange Academic Advisor and Mardin Artuklu University (MAÜ) FEAS Department of Economics Lecturer Assoc. Dr. Mehmet Behzat Ekinci.

During the visit, negotiations were held to increase the level of cooperation, especially for regional development. In this context, the agenda items were as follows: Seeking support for planting/planting Siirt pistachio and peanuts within the scope of alternative product diversification, Technical support studies for the integration of the business world into the e-commerce system, Request for contribution to the initiative regarding the promotion of local products, Regarding the preference of local products in regional development projects. expectations, support for e-Academy studies, studies on improving the capacity of the Chamber/commodity Exchange Joint Project Team.

The Chambers/Commodity Exchanges are carrying out a series of studies aimed at providing their members with alternative marketing opportunities. For this purpose, the integration of the business world into the e-commerce system was discussed with the cooperation of relevant institutions/organizations. DİKA stated that it is ready to provide technical support regarding the issue.

Chambers/Exchanges requested support for the “Initiative on the Promotion of Local Products”. In this regard, cooperation opportunities with DİKA were discussed.

In the projects prepared and carried out regarding Mardin, negotiations were held regarding the preference of the goods/services produced in and around Mardin, within the possibilities. The Chambers/Exchanges emphasized the importance of a positive approach by the relevant institutions in this regard, with the thought that this would act more appropriately for the purpose of regional development.

Chambers/Exchanges stated that they are ready to cooperate and contribute to any kind of cooperation as a stakeholder/partner if they are invited to create periodic plans/programs.

Increasing the capacity of the Chamber/Exchange Joint Project Team was discussed as a special agenda item. In this context, it was decided to provide technical support and relevant information to the team members on “Project Cycle Management” by DİKA.

At the end of the visit, the goodwill was mutually reiterated to continue these meetings, which allowed the level of cooperation with DIKA to increase, and to maintain close cooperation to contribute to regional development.


Date : 12.07.2021 / Location : DİCLE KALKINMA AJANSI
Hit : 1293