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by Kızıltepe Commodity Exchange started the construction of the "New Service Building" project, which was initiated in order to serve its members better and to increase the service quality.

Kızıltepe Commodity Exchange General Secretary Abdulkadir Şahin signed the contract with the contractor Mehmet Öter, the founder of  Öter Construction Inc. for the construction of the new service building located at Grain Trade Center, on the 7th kilometre of Viranşehir Road in Ersoylu.

Kızıltepe Commodity Exchange Secretary General Abdulkadir Şahin said they would start the construction of the new service building immediately after the contract.

"We will provide a better service to our Exchange members and farmers in our new service building and we will have a structure that meets the requirements of the age" he added and he gave the good news that the new building would hopefully be completed in 2021.

With the establishment of the Kızıltepe Commodity Exchange New Service Building and a modern commercial building infrastructure, a capacious Food Analysis Laboratory, Auction Hall and Electronic Sales System, and a training hall and conference hall for farmer training will be established. The quality of the products of farmers, traders and industrialists will be determined by laboratory analyses objectively, openly and reliably in the auction hall with high software and hardware technology evaluation. The Commodity Exchange will become an attraction area by providing access to Licensed Warehouses, national and international markets through electronic commerce. In this way, the real value of the product will be reflected in the market and will contribute positively to the development of the region in agriculture and economics.

With the support of Tigris Development Agency, Abdulkadir Şahin, Secretary General of Kızıltepe Commodity Exchange, said they were honored to bring the project to our province with the support of the Dicle Development Agency with this important project "Improving the Mardin Food Analysis and Trade Capacity and he thanked those who contributed and wished good luck to our Mardin and our members.

Date : 11.08.2020 / Location : KIZILTEPE TB
Hit : 1740