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15th of the joint meetings held in Mardin with the participation of all Chambers / Commodity Exchanges aimed to contribute to regional development activities. The meeting was hosted by Mardin Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The participants of the meeting held on September 24, 2019 were as follows: Chairman of the Board of Mardin Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MTSO) Mehmet Ali Tutaşı, Council Member İbrahim Tutaşı, Secretary General Çetin Sasa; Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kızıltepe Commodity Exchange (KTB), Mehmet Şahin, Vice Secretary General Metin Sert; Kızıltepe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KTSO) Secretary General Ahmet Aslan; Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of Nusaybin Commodity Exchange (NTB) Şeyhmus Peker, Parliament Speaker Abdulhakim Aytimur, Secretary General Abdullah Dal, Quality and Accreditation Responsible Ercan Çelik; Abdulkadir Güneş, Secretary General of Nusaybin Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NTSO); TOBB / TEPAV, Mardin Province / Districts Chambers / Commodity  Exchanges Academic Advisor from Mardin Artuklu University (MAU) Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Assoc. Dr. Mehmet Behzat Ekinci.

The agenda items of the meeting were as follows: Good Practices of Chambers / Commodity Exchanges; Visibility Activities of Chambers / Stock Exchanges in the Media; Presentation: Establishment of Employee-Friendly Business Culture in Institutions and Balanced Work-Life  Practices; MAU-Chamber / Exchange-TOBB-TEPAV Publication: Economic Outlook of Mardin; MAU-Chamber / Exchange Field Study-I: Research with MAGROTEX’19 companies; MAU-Chamber / Stock Exchange Field Study-II: Research on the Agriculture-Livestock structure of Mardin with MAGROTEX’19 companies; MAU-Chamber / Stock Exchange Field Study-III: Mardin Province / Districts Research on the relations between banks and the banks; Member Satisfaction Survey; Summer Term Research-Review Program Participation; MAU-Midyat Chamber of Tradesmen and Craftsmen Fieldwork: Research on measuring the economic view of the citizens towards the tradesmen and craftsmen; MAU Publication: Studies on the economic-social-health-educational structure of Mardin; Support for Academic Publications; Academic Consultancy Term Activities; Academic Action Plan; Mardin Province / Districts Chambers / Commodity Exchanges Academic Advisory negotiations, negotiations on the regional economy.

At the beginning of the meeting, a presentation titled ‘Establishment of Employee-Friendly Business Culture in Institutions and Balanced Work-Life Practices’ was given. Following, Dr. Cangül Tosun's ‘Employee-Friendly Culture and Work-Life Balance ’Policies’ article from the Ministry of Industry and Technology’s “Key” Magazine, May 2019 issue was presented. In this context, negotiations were held on measures to be taken in the context of ‘happy and productive employees at Chambers / Commodity Exchanges with high institutional capacity’

Mardin Chambers / Commodity Exchanges gave information about the best practices they brought forth during the period. Some of the practices / projects presented by Chambers / Commodity Exchanges are as follows:

KTB: Ministry of Commerce Supported P&D Project: Mesopotamian Sun Mardin Bulghur Opens to New Markets; Guided Support Project supported by Tigris Development Agency (DIKA)  : Mardin Food Analysis and Trade Capacity Building; DIKA Supported Technical Support Project: Licensed Warehouse and Authorized Classifier Training; DIKA Supported Derik Halhali Olive Oil Geographical Indication Project; Kızıltepe Red Lentil Geographical Indication Project Supported by DIKA; Mardin MAGROTEX’19 International Agriculture Fair Organization; Participation of YÖREX Local Products Fair; Turiba (Turkey Specialized Products Exchange) Investor Information Meeting Registration Procedures.

KTSO: Kızıltepe Bulghur Sector P&D Project.

MTSO: EU, in cooperation with relevant institutions and TOBB prepared within the scope of Turkey to the Syrian Integration "Mahir Hands Project".

NTB: Nusaybin Grain Trade Center construction feasibility, DIKA Supported EU Project Consultancy Technical Support Project.

NTSO: Project studies for the establishment of Tekstilkent in Nusaybin.

The special agenda item of the meeting was the projects and field studies realized in cooperation with Mardin Artuklu University, some of which are as follows:


 - Research with companies of MAGROTEX’19 on the Fair

 - Research on the Agriculture-Livestock structure of Mardin with MAGROTEX’19 companies,

 - Research on Bank-sector relations with Mardin Province / District Banks,

 - Member Satisfaction Survey.

It was decided to continue this kind of cooperation in the new period. It also reiterated the goodwill towards more extensive joint academic studies with MAU.

Another issue addressed at the meeting was related to the economic structure of Mardin and Southeastern Anatolia Region. In this context, what examined were Southeastern Anatolia’s and Mardin’s share in Turkey’s GDP and on the development of the ideas which might take place were discussed. In order to increase this share, the incentive / support programs for high value-added sectors were emphasized. To meet the end, negotiations were held with all Chambers and Commodity Exchanges in the Region to cooperate and carry out joint activities to uncover the existing economic potential.

The 16th Joint Meeting was decided to be hosted by Nusaybin Commodity Exchange in December 2019.

Date : 24.09.2019 / Location : MARDİN TSO
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