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Formed so as to serve and conduct various projects related to the interests to their members, the Chambers and the Commodity Exchanges of Mardin City and Districts’ Joint Project Team had their third meeting. The negotiations on the works and projects for the members were made in the meeting.

Hosted by Nusaybin Chamber of Trade and Industry, the meeting was held on July 3rd 2018 and the following names participated: KCE Vice Secretary General and Project Team Coordinator Metin Sert, NCE Quality and Accreditation Director Ercan Çelik, NCTI Quality and Accreditation Director İlhan Özmen, NCTI Registry Officer Nuh Özmen, Mardin City and Districts’ Chambers/Commodity Exchanges’ Academic Consultant Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Behzat Ekinci from Mardin Artuklu University FEAS Department of Economics.

In four sessions, the following minutes were handled:

1. Individually existing projects and new joint projects

2. Applied market researches

3. Business-based reports and statistics

4. General Review

In the first session,  the Chambers and Commodity Exchanges mentioned their individually existing projects and shared their experiences as such information was given on UR-GE Cluster Project on Bulgur-Spaghetti business, Capacity Enhancement Project submitted to EU – Central Bidding Department planned to be run with the collaboration of Italian-Thessaloniki Commodity Exchange as well as Mardin Fair Center Feasibility Project by KCE. NCE and NCTI shared their knowledge on their Strategic Plan projects in collaboration with DIKA.

Additional to the existing/prospective individual projects, Chambers/Commodity Exchanges, the team discussed the joint projects that have the possibility to come into life so as to serve tge needs of the members. In this manner, a consensus was caught on a preparation of projects which would motive Mardin’s international trade capacity.

In the second session, Academic Consultant Ekinci shared information from relevant webpages for the preparation of joint projects related to the members, especially on the supports mentioned the Ministry of Economics’ webpage:

Foreign Market Research Support
E-Trade Websites Membership Support
Business-related Trade and Purchase Committees Support

The Project Team agreed upon informative meetings for the mentioned supports for the members in the first place. Subsequently, it was decided that such joint projects would be prepared and conduct which would enable the members to conduct those projects effectively.

In the third session, the reports and researches which aimed to use Mardin Artuklu University’s Human Resource were handled. In this way, it was decided on the minute which helps prepare several business reports and statistical files by providing logistics from MAU academics and students. In the first place, it was agreed that initial reports would be prepared on bulgur and textile businesses.

In the last session, general review was done and also participated by NCTI President of Board of Directors Mahsum Özmen, Accounting Manager İhsan Öz and NCE Secretary General Abdullah Dal. The participants stressed the positive influence of such meetings to the regional development and institutional capacity of the Chambers/Commodity Exchanges and wished their best to continue to perform.

Date : 3.07.2018 / Location : NUSAYBİN TİCARET VE SANAYİ ODASI
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